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Chain of Communication

It's crucial for parents to take the first step in initiating communication with school officials. This empowers them to address their child's concerns directly, starting with the educator in charge of the class, program, or activity.  We encourage this open line of communication to prevent misinformation from spreading on social media or in the community.  Each situation should be communicated at the initial level, with an appeal moving on to the next level of the communication chain.  The most effective form of communication is via email.

Rest assured, we are here to support you in your communication with school officials. Please use the information below to reach out.

A. Classroom, Building, Student Discipline

1. Classroom Teacher

2. Guidance Counselor or Case Manager

3. Assistant Principal or Supervisor

a. New Egypt Primary School: Mrs. Ginger White, Supervisor of Early Childhood Education - -  609-758-6800 Ext. 5000

b. Dr. Gerald H. Woehr Elementary School:  Mr. Robert Cilmi, Assistant Principal - - 609-758-6800 Ext. 3000

c. New Egypt High School 7-12: Mrs. Jennifer Kociuba, Assistant Principal - - 609-758-6800 Ext. 1401

4. Principal or Director

a. New Egypt Primary School: Ms. Alyson Nechamkin, Director of Special Services - -  609-758-6800 Ext. 5000

b. Dr. Gerald H. Woehr Elementary School: Mrs. Tara Nesbihal, Principal - - 609-758-6800 Ext. 3000

c. New Egypt High School 7-12: Mrs. Carolyn Videla, Principal - - 609-758-6800 Ext. 1401

B. On Matters Involving Curriculum Inquiries 

1. Classroom Teacher

2. Assistant Principal or Supervisor

3. Principal or Director

4. Director of Curriculum: Mrs. Heather DeGrandis, - 609-758-6800 Ext. 4210

C. On Matters Involving Special Education:

1. Classroom Teacher

2. Case Manager

3. Principal or Director

4. Director of Special Services: Ms. Alyson Nechamkin, -  609-758-6800 Ext. 1412

D. On Matters Involving Transportation:

1. Assistant Supervisor of Transportation: Mrs. Valerie Nuti, - 732-786-0950 Ext. 7005

2. Supervisor of Transportation: Mrs. Andrea Cece, -  732-786-0950 Ext. 7002

3. Principal or Director

4. Business Administrator: Mr. Sean Gately, - 609-758-6800 Ext. 4210

E. On Matters Involving Athletics:

1. Coach

2. Assistant Principal

3. Athletic Director: Mrs. Heather DeGrandis, - 609-758-6800 Ext. 1218

It's important to follow the levels outlined above when resolving all matters. Only after you have followed these steps should you bring the issue to the Superintendent of Schools.

1. Superintendent of Schools: Mr. David Ytreboe, - 609-758-6800 Ext. 4206