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Staff Evaluation

Teacher/Support Staff Member Evaluation System

The primary purpose of the teacher evaluation system is to improve student learning and achievement with respect to teacher and support staff members’ professional development and growth. This occurs via informal and formal observations as well as a summative evaluation. The Plumsted Township School District has adopted the Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching, providing performance feedback for teachers across four domains: Planning and Preparation, the Classroom Environment, Instruction, and Professional Responsibilities. Within each domain are four rating categories: ineffective, partially effective, effective, and highly effective. The frequency and types of observations conducted are in accordance with the requirements presented in the updated educator evaluation guidance for the school year 2020-21 as prepared by the NJDOE. Our support staff members (i.e. Child Study Team members, counselors, nurses, and related service providers) are also evaluated with the Danielson model, albeit modifications for the domains are job-specific.  

Administrator Evaluation System

Similarly, the primary purpose of the administrator evaluation system is to improve student learning and achievement with respect to administrator professional development and growth. This occurs via informal and formal observations as well as a summative evaluation. The Plumsted Township School District has adopted the NJ Principal Evaluation for Professional Learning (NJPEPL) administrator observation tool, providing performance feedback for administrators across seven Domains: 
  • Domain 1. Mission, Vision, and Core Values
  • Domain 2. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

  • Domain 3. Professional Capacity of School Personnel

  • Domain 4. Equity and Cultural Responsiveness

  • Domain 5. Community of Care and Support for Students

  • Domain 6. Meaningful Engagement of Families and Community
  • Domain 7. Operations and Management.

Within each standard are four rating categories: ineffective, partially effective, effective, and highly effective. The process for evaluation and type of observations conducted are in accordance with the requirements presented in New Jersey Principal Evaluation for Professional Learning Process. Our assistant principals, directors, and principals are evaluated with the NJPEPL model, albeit modifications for the standards are job-specific.  
To access the most recent School Performance Reports issued by the New Jersey Department of Education, click here. 
To access information from the New Jersey Department of Education regarding teacher evaluation and Achieve NJ, click here
The District Evaluation Advisory Committee met to discuss and refine the implemenation of the Danielson Tool during hybrid and remote instruction and the temporary updated guidance form the NJDOE.