New Egypt Extended Day (NEED) Childcare
Thank you for registering your child(ren) in the New Egypt Extended Day (NEED) Program. The NEED program will operate at both the New Egypt Primary School and the Dr. Gerald H. Woehr Elementary School this year. Click the links below for the registration form and important information program information.
New Egypt Primary School
Dr. Gerald H. Woehr Elementary School
One child per registration form. Registration forms can be emailed or printed and sent in to your child's school. Enrollment is contingent on both space and confirmation by the Coordinator of a start date.
Early Dismissal Days
Students utilizing either the morning only program or 4:00 pm pick-up in the afternoon are NOT automatically scheduled to attend the afternoon session of NEED on scheduled district early dismissal days. Advance sign-up is required to attend the afternoon session on early dismissal days at a cost of $35 per day, per child with pick-up by 5:45 pm. For those students attending afternoons until 5:45 pm, early dismissal IS included on early dismissal days that your child is normally scheduled for. For example, a child scheduled for Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons, is included for early dismissal care on those days of the week only at no additional cost. Tuesday and Thursday could be added with advanced registration and the $35 per day, per child fee.
Tuition payments are due on the 15th of the month before. October’s tuition is due on September 15. There is a grace period through the 20th. An account late fee is automatically applied on the 21st of the month. Procare is our online payment processing software and can be found online at Parent may login using the email address you provided on your registration forms. You will then be asked to establish your password. Tax statements and FSA statement can be found here and printed anytime by a family. The convenience fee is calculated for you prior to submitting your payment. In addition, checks or money orders may be dropped in the NEED payment box located in the elementary school entrance or given to a NEED staff member. All cash payments must be made directly to a NEED staff member or at the Primary School during school hours. NEED registrations are considered complete upon all registration forms being completed and payment received. All accounts must have a $0 balance including any add-on charges during the month in order to be admitted on the first of the month.
Instructions for the online software payment system can be found here.
There is an optional snack time every afternoon. In addition, on early dismissal days students should bring both a lunch and a snack to the program. Please keep in mind food items sent to school should be able to be opened by your child without assistance if at all possible. In addition, it’s helpful to label snack bags or containers for your child - “Breakfast” or “NEED Snack.” If your child is having breakfast through the school that is served at the start of school and is not available during the NEED program. Also, please be mindful to NOT send in any nut products as we have students who attend the program with life-threatening allergies. In addition to snacks, students are encouraged to bring labeled, refillable water bottles to school.
There is no nurse available during the before and aftercare program. Please note the NEED staff cannot administer medication. If your child has a potential for allergen reactions or anaphylaxis, we can assist with the administration of an EpiPen. Please make sure that the NEED program and the school nurse have a copy of the treatment plan available here.
Inclement weather
- District Delayed Opening - NEED is canceled and will not open for the AM session.
- District Early Dismissal - NEED is open for the morning session, but will not open for the PM session. Each family will need to contact the NEED office on the day of the early dismissal via either ParentSquare, Email (, or phone to tell us if they want their child to 1) ride the bus, 2) be picked up at the school, and by whom. If the person picking up is not listed in Genesis or on your NEED program registration forms as an emergency contact you will need to contact the Main Office.
- If All After School Activities are Canceled - look for information on ParentSquare. It could mean that the NEED program is canceled and will not open for the PM session, NEED is open, but pick up must be made by a given time, etc. Each family will need to contact the NEED office on the day of the early dismissal via either ParentSquare, Email (, or phone to tell us if they want their child to 1) ride the bus, 2) be picked up at the school, and by whom. If the person picking up is not listed in Genesis or on your NEED program registration forms as an emergency contact you will need to contact the Main Office.
When seasonally appropriate and weather permitting, outdoor play will be a priority. Each day students should wear suitable shoes for playing outdoors and be prepared with a jacket.
NEED Program Information
609-758-6800 x3269 – Dr. Gerald H. Woehr Elementary School (AM Drop Off/PM Pick-up)
609-758-6800 x5269 – New Egypt Primary School (AM Drop Off only)
Mrs. Marguerite Santiago, Site Leader, for grades PreK - 6 can be reached during before school hours (6:45 am - 8:15 am) and after school hours (2:45 pm - 5:45 pm).
Lisa Harper, Coordinator, office 609-758-6800 x3266 and ParentSquare
District Main # 609-758-6800
We are looking forward to a great year with you and your family. If you have any questions regarding the program, do not hesitate to contact our office.
Lisa Harper, Coordinator
New Egypt Extended Day (NEED)
Plumsted Township Community Education
Warrior Day Camp
- visit the district's employment page to apply
- send an email letter of interest to Lisa Harper @ with a subject of "NEED Employment"
- call the NEED office with any questions - (609)758-6800 x3266