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Law & Justice Academy

Warrior Academy



Law & Justice

“ Transforming Lives in Society”

The NEHS Warrior Law and Social Justice Academy is a program designed to enable students to develop foundational knowledge of the legal system of the United States through different lenses and perspectives.  Warrior Law and Justice Academy students will be placed on a four-year academic pathway that will be innovative while addressing “College and Career Readiness” skills.  They will gain knowledge in this particular field of study and cover all high school prerequisites for acceptance into competitive post secondary institutions.  This program will empower students in the development of the key skills; critical thinking/problem solving, research, reading, writing, speaking/presenting, and teamwork, and include subsets of these skills, such as analyzing, reasoning, negotiating and questioning.  The rigorous courses (some achieving college credit) will enable students to apply these skills while identifying how the material connects to other academic subjects.  Warrior Law and Justice Academy students will gain knowledge and skills that are relevant to a range of careers.  They will learn about roles, responsibilities and career paths of specific professions.  Students will be exposed to careers both in the classroom or through workplace visits.  All seniors will engage in a service learning practicum that will enhance their experience in the Warrior Law and Social Justice Academy.

Students who are accepted into the Warrior Law and Justice Academy will: 

  • Tailor their elective choice to focus on the US Legal System, Criminal Justice, or Social Problems.
  • Require a minimum of five academy electives completed or enrolled by February of senior year.
  • Principles of Sociology and Principles of Psychology are required courses.  Students may choose the remaining courses.
  • Successfully complete Senior Practicum during their senior year.

Academy students will have opportunities to:

  • Shadow Law & Justice professionals
  • Participate in professional development workshops
  • Earn potential college credit

Available Law and Justice Courses: 

  • SS306 - Criminal Justice
  • SS307 - Civil Liberties & The Women’s Rights Movement
  • SS323 - General Psychology (OCC Dual Enrollment)
  • SS324 - Introduction to Sociology (OCC Dual Enrollment)
  • ENG530 - Literature Study of Diversity in America
  • SS370 - AP Government & Politics
  • SCI561 - Introduction to Forensics 

Academy Meeting: 

  • Weekly 

Senior Year:

  • Potential college credit courses
  • Law & Justice Academy Practicum 

Portfolio & Capstone:

  • Students will maintain a portfolio to capture reflections on service learning, academic coursework and additional Academy experiences.
  • The Capstone Project is a culmination of experiences where students utilize skills and knowledge acquired throughout high school and the Academy during a formal presentation. 
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